Meet the standard, exceed expectations
Compliance Assured
In keeping with a continued commitment to research and development, and coupled with our ongoing, rigorous testing procedures, we confirm the compliance of Rediwall® PVC permanent formwork with the National Construction Code (NCC) and its suitability for use in the design of a concrete structure.
The below information details testing undertaken and performance achieved. Contact us to talk to our team of in-house design experts who can assist you with further technical advice, engineering concepts, training or guidance in relation to your specific application or project.
CodeMark® Certification
Download AFS Rediwall® CodeMark® Certificate of Conformity- CM30107 Rev4
CodeMark® is a third-party building product certification scheme authorising the use of new and innovative products in specified circumstances.
Products can only achieve CodeMark certification if compliant with Volumes One and Two of the NCC (also known as the Building Code of Australia or BCA).
Importantly, rediwall® is the only permanent formwork system with CodeMark Certification to the current building code NCC 2019 Amendment 1.
A detailed CodeMark Certificate of Conformity is issued for meeting the ‘evidence of suitability’ requirements of the NCC 2019 A1. AFS Rediwall® has achieved CodeMark Certification confirming performance for:
• Fire resistance/non-combustibility
• Structural stability (AS3600)
• Thermal and acoustic
• Weatherproofing
• Bushfire provisions (Bushfire Attack Levels – BAL)
• Termite resistance
Structural (AS3600)
AFS Rediwall® is deemed suitable use as a structural, load bearing reinforced concrete wall in accordance with (AS3600-2018) Concrete Structures Code.
Fire Compliance
Expert assessment based on extensive fire testing of Rediwall® for both internal and external application confirms compliance to the following NCC performance requirements:
• CP1 – Structural stability
• CP2 – Spread of fire
• CP3 – Spread of fire and smoke, patient/aged care buildings
• CP4 – Materials and assemblies
• CP7 – Emergency equipment
• CP8 – Openings and penetrations
AFS Rediwall® has also been fire tested to:
• AS5113/BS8414 Façade test – passes in flame spread, temperature <600ºC @ 5m, temperature at combustible layer, all unexposed sides for temperature and flaming
• AS5637.1 (ISO 9705) Reaction to fire – Group Number 1, SMOGRA 28.3 (<100)
• AS1530.4 FRL – refer below
• AS1530.3 Fire hazard properties – ignitability index 10, spread of flame index 0 heat evolved index 0, smoke developed index 6
• AS3837 Cone calorimeter – Group Number 1, ASEA 226 (<250)
For further information relating to the fire testing, compliance or application of AFS Rediwall® contact our Design Team.
FRL (Fire Resistance Level) Performance (to AS1530.4)
AFS Rediwall® Max. FRL
RW 110 90/90/90
RW 156 240/240/240
RW 200 240/240/240
RW 256 240/240/240
RW 275 240/240/240
RW 300 240/240/240
Water Performance
Recognising the importance of resistance to water penetration testing has been undertaken whereby Rediwall® panels were interlocked, core-filled with concrete and exposed to 6m hydrostatic head of pressure for a period of 100 hours as per ASTM E514/E514M and AS/NZS 4347.1 testing and passed for no water penetration.
Tested and certified by CSIRO: Download PDF
ASTM E514/E514M-14a Water penetration leakage through masonry Pass
AS/NZS 4347.1-1995 Determination of water permeability Pass
Environmental Performance
The PVC Stewardship Program (administered by the Vinyl Council of Australia and independently audited) is an on-going, long-term, voluntary undertaking by the Australian PVC industry to recognise and progressively address, relevant environmental, health and safety issues along the PVC product life-cycle within responsible, deliverable timeframes.
AFS Rediwall® has achieved Silver Status in this program, which focusses on five key themes associated with the PVC life-cycle:
• Best practice manufacturing
• Safe and sustainable use of additives
• Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management
• Resource efficiency
• Transparency and engagement
As a signatory to the stewardship program AFS is committed to the manufacture and supply of sustainable solutions to the building industry in an environmentally responsible manner. To recycle any Rediwall ® products please drop off the items at the following locations in each state:
- ACT Centre: 8 Lockyer St, Goulburn NSW 2580
- QLD Centre: 1 Radon St, Narangba QLD 4504