Observatory Living, Wright ACT

AFS Rediwall® help create a landmark in benchmark time

Location ACT
Type Multi-Residential
Products AFS Rediwall®
Builder / Installer

Rediwall® 12180 m²







Canberra has not seen lifestyle-apartments like those in Observatory Living. And it got to see them quicker thanks—in large part—to the efficiency gains from constructing with AFS Rediwall®.

The 270 units (in seven buildings) on this 2 hectare site were completed in just 11 months. And GEOCON, the builder, was undoubtedly pleased with this saving because using AFS Systems meant there was no sacrifice in the quality of the construction.

Don’t just take our word for it

“We used AFS Rediwall® for our Observatory Living project and will continue using these systems as they’re not crane-dependent and have superior material handling efficiencies.” Andrew Clark, GEOCON.

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