Brown St, Ashfield NSW

When walls go up quickly floors can go up fast

Location NSW
Type Multi-Residential
Products AFS Logicwall®
Builder / Installer

Rediwall® 0 m²

Logicwall® 11,330 m²







Chief among the many benefits AFS Logicwall® offered this project was lightening quick floor-cycles. And the builders were also more than pleased with the superb level of finish it provided. Billed as a “aesthetically beautiful development combining single and multi-level options”, these apartments couldn’t afford to be found wanting in their quality of presentation. So, it was particularly pleasing to find that using AFS Logicwall® meant there was no need to worry about over-sheeting.

Don’t just take our word for it

We used AFS Logicwall® on this project and found that it could be constructed quickly—enabling fast floor-cycles. It also made materials handling considerably easier and more efficient, particularly as it wasn’t crane dependent for horizontal distribution. Additionally, AFS Logicwall® provided us with a high quality finish that didn’t need over-sheeting. In comparison, there were simply too many disadvantages in using a conventional system.” FRED NASSIF, GENERAL MANAGER, NORTHLAND CONSTRUCTIONS

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