Rediwall® 0 m²
Logicwall® 1125 m²
Multi-ResidentialWhen you have a 50 year old reputation for excellence, you look for materials that equal your standards. Award-winning builder L.U. Simon found that ‘match’ with AFS Logicwall® when constructing the Campus apartments and townhouses.
And choosing AFS Logicwall® over precast panels made materials handling much easier. Which in turn, greatly reduced cranage and (importantly) costs.
Little wonder architects, builders and engineers are enjoying similar win-wins with AFS Logicwall® in literally thousands of projects.
Don’t just take our word for it
“The substitution of the AFS Logicwall® system in lieu of precast panels in select internal locations reduced the required capacity of the mobile cranes to achieve the reach from the available loading zones when certain walls were substituted.
This also reduced the number of crane lifts required per floor which resulted in lower cranage costs as the number of visits was also reduced.” George Moschoyiannis, Senior Project Manager, L.U. SIMON BUILDERS